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What is Delta 8 CBD?


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We’re all familiar with non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD) — the compound found in hemp and cannabis that’s hailed as a “wonder drug” for its medicinal benefits — but what about its close relative, delta-8 CBD tetrahydrocannabinol?

Also known as THC, delta-8 is just one of many different cannabinoids found in marijuana, but unlike CBD, it is psychoactive, which means that delta 8 has both medical and recreational uses.

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What is Delta-8 THC or CBD?

Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (8-THC) is a chemical that takes effect when it comes into contact with your body’s cannabinoid receptors. Delta-8-THC is a synthetic cannabinoid that’s made in a lab.

When ingested, it acts as a potent edge for baked goods, vapes and candy, but can be credited with many culinary and herbological effects. But beware: Due to its potency, do not use it in edible forms.

Below you’ll find ten random facts about delta-8 and everything that you might be wondering about considering adding to your diet.

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While medical use is meh, our communities surrounding cannabis have little tolerance for recreational use, and this is likely why numerous states currently allow experimentation with non-medical services of delta-8.

It has been declared anabolic (to aid in muscle-building) and anti-inflammatory (to reduce pain) for athletes. Additionally, it may help strengthen the immune system and reduce nausea associated with chemotherapy.


Beyond proper medicinal uses, delta-8 may appear to be the coolest and most varied of all cannabinoids. You’ve probably noticed how grassy and vegetal pot flowers are smooth and round, while dried and ground plant buds look silky and chunkier.

Discover your buzz with Delta-8 THC gummies, vapes and oils!

Except for Delta-8 Bud

— well, it looks like an enormous lump of stone. Unlike fruits and vegetables, typically packed with water, solids, and gases to preserve moisture, plants with invasive, resilient stalks must rely on gravity to maintain a precise portion of plant tissue under a microscope.

That’s why weed plants have a crown-like growth that looks nearly impossible to mistake for a grassy top because of delta-8’s sheer bulk.


Drug Because of THC, it’s clearly defined as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.

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How is Delta-8 THC Used as Medicine?

Delta-8 THC is used as medicine to help relieve nausea, increase appetite, and reduce pain.

Research has shown that delta-8 THC can also help relieve muscle tightness, spasms, pain, and cramps caused by multiple sclerosis.

Recently, pharmaceutical companies began developing treatments and edible products targeted towards treating medical conditions such as arthritis, cancer, AIDS, and multiple types of cancer.

With medicinal benefits, high potential for recreational use, and an easy-to-find supply in legal states, delta-8 marijuana has quickly become a trendy addition to the cannabis family.


Although there are some side effects related to cannabis, there aren’t any adverse side effects associated with using medication (with or without cannabis) to treat a professional condition such as arthritis.

It is common knowledge that anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and naproxen can cause unwanted side effects, particularly digestive issues.

Medical marijuana and CBD also offer the opportunity for individuals struggling with different symptoms related to one’s disease to gain relief from pain, improve appetite, or be able to eat foods they would usually avoid due to pain.

People often report that pain relievers like cannabis and delta-8 act quickly to alleviate their symptoms — something no pharmaceutical treatment could ever do, making it a safe and effective alternative for professionals.

In a study carried out by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the term “food” was utilized to describe food containing CBDs and THC, indicating that in this way, legal therapeutic states allow for reasonable access to medicinal cannabis for those who need it.

To be allowed in all of the current legal states where marijuana is legal, cannabis naturally occurs in non-in toxic, nutritious foods, including fruits, vegetables, dairy products, nuts, and seeds.



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