The Truth About CBD: 7 Benefits of Cannabidiol


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The Truth About CBD: 7 Benefits of Cannabidiol and How it’s Changing the World

While the research into the therapeutic effects of CBD is still in its infancy, it’s undeniable that all kinds of cannabis products have been gaining popularity.  What was once considered a counter-culture underground movement had become a massive industry. An estimated retail value global CBD market size was estimated at USD 2.8 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 3.5 billion in 2021.


What is the cannabidiol market growth? The global CBD market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 21.2% from 2021 to 2028 to reach USD 13.4 billion by 2028. This explosive growth is fueled by consumers learning about the many potential benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids for health, wellness, and lifestyle.  But what exactly is CBD? And how can you benefit from it? Learn More

The natural health benefits of cannabis are becoming more and more apparent. Because of this, there has been a rise in interest in healthy products instead of more “performance-enhancing” options. While it’s still too early to say if CBD is something that can be used to treat certain conditions effectively, it’s clear that there’s a lot of promise in the science behind it.


People want to know about the differences between CBD and THC and if CBD can effectively treat other disorders like cancer, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s. Whether you’re using cannabis oil, smoking a joint, or eating a piece of chocolate cake, there are endless questions about adequately using a cannabis product.

Many marketing material, blogs, and anecdotes claim that cannabis oils can cure whatever ails you, even cancer. From hemp seed oil — which can be used in cooking, as a skin moisturizer, or as a hair treatment — to the various methods people use to get high, cannabis is gaining traction to address multiple health concerns. As it turns out, you can also use marijuana as a sexual lubricant.


What Is CBD?

Cannabis oil is a thick, sticky liquid derived from the cannabis plant.

ACCORDING TO HEMP BUSINESS JOURNAL, the CBD oil industry is again growing like a weed and is predicted to rake in $2.1 billion by the end of 2020. However, as CBD (cannabidiol) becomes more popular, there are a lot of misconceptions about the compound.

Ultra refined, our cannabis comes to us in ultra-refined cannabis oil. First, our cannabis undergoes a solvent-based extraction process, removing unwanted plant material. Then, our refined yet untested product is put through a proprietary refinement process, removing all residual solvents and leaving a pure extract.

Along with the Kingdom Harvest capsules, the company also offers vaporizers and teas and a new line of lotions, shampoos, and bath products. “We see our cannabis products as a holistic alternative medicine,” states Fernyhough. “We’re looking to treat the root cause of what ails you or your loved one. Learn More

online store

The top three states with the highest use per capita of CBD products are Oregon, Colorado, and Alaska. The booming popularity of cannabis-infused beer exemplifies this trend. CBD has been known to provide a calming effect during panic attacks and has incredible potential to lower inflammation and alleviate pain. With the increasing popularity of CBD,

As a result, the global legal cannabis market could reach close to $70 billion by 2025 and almost $150 billion by 2032, according to Brightfield Group, a cannabis and CBD market research firm.

Hemp and marijuana come from the same plant family but are entirely different in function, cultivation, and application. Marijuana generally has a high level of THC (a psychoactive compound that makes you feel “high”) and is used for medicinal or recreational purposes.


The market is increasing, and the opportunities are tremendous.

Our team is well-positioned to meet the needs of the CBD industry. At Kingdom Harvest, we develop and sell industry-leading brands that improve the quality of life for consumers and offer unprecedented access to the global marketplace.

We believe our responsibility to our consumers is to deliver the highest quality products, support our customers, and provide value-added services.


The Earth’s Most Refined Hemp Extract

It has organically grown, naturally processed…the Earth’s most refined hemp extract.

The Rarest Extract in the Rarest Form.™

Our CBD oil extract uses a proprietary process to remove all THC and other compounds, resulting in a safe and potent CBD oil extract.

It is enhanced with our proprietary process.

We take great care to ensure that the entire process is done in an environment of cleanliness and quality supervision. The final product is an all-natural hemp extract that meets the highest pharmaceutical quality standards.

CBD = More than just an acronym.

CBD stands for cannabidiol, a chemical compound in industrial hemp (CBD) and other closely related plants of the industrial hemp genus (Cannabis sativa L.) containing pharmacologically active ingredients.

Industrial hemp has been cultivated for millennia in Asia and the Middle East for its fiber and seed. The plant is naturally more than 99% fiber, which makes textiles, twine, paper, construction materials, and biodegradable plastics.

North Carolina hosts one of the world’s largest high-grade industrial hemp fiber deposits.

It has organically grown, naturally processed…the Earth’s most refined hemp extract. Learn More





*Analysis of cannabidiol (CBD) and THC in nonprescription consumer products: Implications for patients and practitioners*

Consumer CBD products vary significantly in formulation, purity, and label accuracy. Cannabidiol products remain largely unregulated in the US. Unlike the Rx formulation of CBD [EpidiolexR], little information regarding labeling accuracy (does the product contain what the label says it does), a lot to lot variability, and long-term product stability.

Regarding purity, the unregulated nature of the industry means that some products, especially hemp-derived, may contain levels of CBD or other cannabinoids that are much higher than advertised, which are often not detectable by current analytical methods.

As a result, it isn’t easy to know the concentration of the active ingredients in a product or whether the product may have been tampered with. In one case study, an anxiety disorder patient reported that it took four weeks before she could stop feeling paranoid after taking just one dose of a product purchased through a dispensary. It raises concerns about whether such inconsistent products should be tolerated in the marketplace.

It has led to most CBD products being unregulated by the FDA and the absence of standardized formulations.

The Rx formulation of CBD is highly regulated by the FDA and entirely of US origin. The purity of the product has been confirmed by high-pressure liquid chromatography [HPLC] tests. The label accuracy has been verified using mass spectrometric analysis [LCMS] tests. The product’s chemical composition is known, and the product is standardized in composition and purity. Regional dispensaries do not oversee the formulation or purity of their products, often imported from overseas.

Prescription CBD is the most regulated product. However, there is little information regarding prescription CBD products’ formulation or labeling accuracy compared to over-the-counter products. We recommend that customers procure CBD products from regulated sources for their peace of mind.

For the complete article, click here.

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