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Oregon’s Legalized Drugs Effective TODAY


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Oregon’s legalized drugs “Effective TODAY”! The state has displayed the first jurisdiction in the U.S. to decriminalize possession of small amounts of all drugs effective Today.

The shift in Oregon’s Legalized Drugs policy means that people caught with small amounts of drugs, including heroin, cocaine, and meth, will no longer face criminal charges. Will be given the option of paying a $100 fine or undergoing a health assessment at a drug treatment facility.

oregon's legalized drugs

Oregon’s Legalized Drugs Policy

These are the new possession limits to evade a criminal charge:

  • Less than 1 gram of heroin
  • Less than 1 gram, or less than five pills, of MDMA
  • Less than 2 grams of methamphetamine
  • Less than 40 units of LSD
  • Less than 12 grams of psilocybin
  • Less than 40 units of methadone
  • Less than 40 pills of oxycodone
  • Less than 2 grams of cocaine

The measure also means people caught with the following amounts of drugs w charged with simple possession, a misdemeanor offense, rather than a felony:

  • 1 to 3 grams of heroin
  • 1 to 4 grams of MDMA
  • 2 to 8 grams of methamphetamine
  • 2 to 8 grams of cocaine

Oregonians approved ballot Measure 110 in the November election; voters also supported a measure to legalize access to psychedelic mushrooms for medicinal purposes.

The measure does not make it legal to produce and sell drugs in Oregon.

Drug users will also be offered harm reduction, housing, and job-related services, which has funded with larger than $100 million in cannabis tax revenue plus savings on law enforcement costs stemming from the reduction in arrests.

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The Oregon Criminal Justice Association estimates decriminalization will result in a 95 percent reduction in the racial inequality in low-level drug arrests.

Today, the first domino of our brutal and inhumane conflict on drugs has died. Initiating what we assume to be a waterfall of other applications focusing health over decriminalization, stated Kassandra Frederique, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, which prompted the campaign for Measure 110.

Over the last year, we’re reminded of drug war policing harms and the absence of necessary health services and other support systems in our communities. Today, Oregon shows us a better, more just world is possible.”

Portugal Decriminalized In 2001

Portugal decriminalized small scale possession of all drugs in 2001. Deaths caused by drug use in the country have since plummeted, along with new cases of HIV among people who inject drugs.

Several states also voted to legalize cannabis during the November election, and Washington, D.C., voted to decriminalize mushrooms and ayahuasca. In a historic vote in December, the House of Representatives voted to decriminalize cannabis federally, bypassing the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act. However, the act would still need to be passed by the Senate to become law.

In Canada, the federal government is in talks with Vancouver—which is ground zero for the opioid overdose crisis—to decriminalize personal possession of drugs there. Montreal has also asked the Canadian government to decriminalize simple possession of drugs nationally.

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Another move forward for the state of Oregon. It will be interesting to see how these governmental decisions play out over the year. What are your thoughts on the total legalization of drugs? Please leave your thoughts or questions below.




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