I get emails all the time from pet owners who want to know what are the benefits of CBD oil in dogs. They ask about its application for cats or dogs, the effectiveness of CBD in treating an illness, and what other ingredients are contained in it.
The reasons they ask are good, and they deserve honest answers. They deserve information about something that could help their pet. If you click through to the end of this article, you’ll see a comprehensive list of sources.
As a pet owner, are you curious about CBD and how it may help your dog or cat? This article looks at how CBD can benefit pets in different ways.
Valid Evidence CBD Works
There is valid evidence that CBD (cannabidiol) can treat certain types of pets with a range of benefits. These can include reducing anxiety and possibly depression in cats or reducing seizures in puppies.
Evidence also suggests that CBD can potentially help.
For dogs, the NCBI has a reasonably comprehensive CDPH C14 examination — with 42 trials in total — which looked at the safety and possible benefits of CBD for dogs. It included a wide range of dogs, therapy, and testing methods, including the use of CBD oil and drooling by dogs and their owners.
These included some profound findings. Such as a reduction in anxiety and depression in study dogs. Who had been diagnosed with or treated for an anxiety disorder? The study also found that CBD reduced seizures in some dog breeds.
A Dog called Lucky
Another study involved the use of CBD in a dog called Lucky. Lucky was being treated for eye surgery and had responded well to the monthly administration of CBD (500mg) for three weeks preceding the surgery. The most dramatic results were seen in week 2; during this period, the numbers went from a low of 20 seizures/day to a high of 43.
The study was an encouraging finding and has now been verified by several other similar CBD studies. Some expert opinion is that these findings should be seen as an indication of the potential of CBD to be a natural therapy for epilepsy.
Of course, this work in its infancy with a few dogs is hardly conclusive, so the jury remains very open.
When Trying to Find Answers
When researching CBD, the wide range of anecdotal reports is very much to be expected. All anecdotal research is anecdotal, and the findings cannot always be generalized to other populations.
There is valid evidence that CBD (cannabidiol) can treat certain types of pets with a range of benefits. These can include reducing anxiety and possibly depression in cats or reducing seizures in puppies.
Evidence also suggests that CBD can potentially help to:
For dogs, the NCBI has a reasonably comprehensive CDPH C14 examination — with 42 trials in total — which looked at the safety and possible benefits of CBD for dogs. It included a wide range of dogs, therapy, and testing methods, including the use of CBD oil and drooling by dogs and their owners.
These included some profound findings. Such as a reduction in anxiety and depression in study dogs. Who had been diagnosed with or treated for an anxiety disorder? The study also found that CBD reduced seizures in some dog breeds.
How do You use CBD for Your Pets?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, can have a wide variety of forms. CBD oil, for example, is a gel that you can apply to a warm, moist area of your pet’s skin. It’s made from the hemp plant and extracted from the plant instead of the stems.
It’s also not as concentrated as some other plant-based formulas out there and can contain other plant parts, such as moss, flower, leaves, bark, etc.
When many people think about the benefits of CBD, their first thought is that of CBD oils or tinctures. These are effectively a form of medication for animals.
They have a similar psychoactive effect to THC and are therefore attractive for use on pets.
Cannabis, Hemp
Cannabis sativa, a cannabis plant, also known as cannabis or hemp, has been used traditionally in many food, pharmaceutical, and industrial products. Recent research has shown the possibility of significant health improvement for pets throughout life.
Many people assume that CBD would affect only humans and animals, but that is not the case. Studies have shown that even dogs can benefit from CBD as it reduces appetite by activating the Endocannabinoid System while improving motor coordination, learning, and memory (test).
Cannabis-infused Products
Cannabis-infused products are increasingly available internationally, so using cannabis-infused products is not a unique concept for pets.
These products differ from other possible uses for CBD in that they are ingested rather than employed through topical application.
As such, it is more convenient, and there are fewer side effects.
Therefore, researchers can improve the benefits of CBD animal welfare in terms of food, nutritional requirements, and environment.
Logically, people may expect that pets will not like the smell of CBD-infused products. Still, recent studies show that even dogs are tolerating the scent. In addition to that, dust from ingesting CBD-infused spray can irritate their eyes, and if swallowed, the oils can pass through the gut.
I’m a pet owner, and it turns out that my Irish Setters are family members. How could they not be? I bought them both (they are about the same age), and Dakota is about five years old, and Mississippi is just over a year old.
They were the best find I’ve made in a long time. Both love to scratch, and both got a silly laser game that Dakota prefers to do.
There are many stories online of how CBD has helped dogs with painful illnesses. Still, there aren’t many about felines, and many people who want to know if it would help their cats still don’t know what it is. Once you’ve made it this far down this article, you’ll probably agree it would help some animals.
Where possible, a concentrated form of CBD is used to avoid a sedative effect on the dog. Hence, they are encouraged to be in a confined space (due to safer handling and fewer side effects) or without food and water for more extended periods.
A study on the effect of CBD on athletic performance assessed the acute effects on muscular endurance and the changes in several physiological parameters over a 14-day observation period (Stroop 2008).
As a pet owner, curious about CBD and how it may help your dog or cat? This article looks at how CBD can benefit pets in different ways.
There is compelling evidence that CBD (cannabidiol) may treat certain types of pets, providing a range of benefits.
These can include decreasing anxiety and possibly depression in cats or reducing seizures in puppies. The evidence suggests that CBD can perhaps help you and your pets. A few weeks ago, I decided to do something about all of those questions.
Here is what I used for resources for research. I did this because I’ve mentioned reputable and may save other people from looking for information online.
The goal was to make sure this information interested everyone — from pet owners to researchers.
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