Oregon’s Legalized Drugs Effective TODAY

oregon state capitol

Oregon’s legalized drugs “Effective TODAY”! The state has displayed the first jurisdiction in the U.S. to decriminalize possession of small amounts of all drugs effective Today. The shift in Oregon’s Legalized Drugs policy means that people caught with small amounts of drugs, including heroin, cocaine, and meth, will no longer face criminal charges. Will be given … Read more

Farming Industrial Hemp In Kentucky

It sneaked by the radar on Thursday. The United States Department of Agriculture descheduled tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The USDA stated May 28 as a legitimate assessment for farming industrial hemp production in Kentucky. It approved highway transportation of hemp and approved THC created from hemp. To begin with, how about we address the highway transportation or … Read more

President Biden’s Policy On Cannabis

President Biden’s marijuana policy seems pinned for a struggle. Joe Biden needs America to consider him to be the hip, new President who is only ultimately better than Donald Trump. He’s not keen on building dividers, affecting mobs, or tweeting a lot of jibber-chatter from the White House seat. No, sir, old Cup of Joe … Read more

7 Facts About Medical Marijuana Programs


Perhaps the most widely recognized contentions against the adequacy of medical marijuana programs today are that the general approach dominates actual science. By now, 33 states and the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico have passed laws for especially medical marijuana programs – yet critics regularly bring up we’re missing conclusive evidence that marijuana … Read more

Marijuana Laws Washington State

Washington State capitol

A renewed endeavor in Washington State to permit adults to grow cannabis at home had its first hearing in Olympia a week ago. The council for marijuana laws Washington State considered a bill that would allow people to grow up to six cannabis plants for individual use. A panel vote on the proposition could come … Read more