Hemp Seed Fishing – A Natural Protein Source For Fish


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Hemp seed fishing bait is an excellent natural protein source for fish. I’m not talking about the seeds of a hemp plant but rather the seed of the cannabis Sativa plant. Some people might say, “Wait! That sounds like marijuana.” But this is not true at all.

Hemp Seed Fishing - A Natural Protein Source For Fish

The marijuana and hemp plants are the same plant species, but they have different traits. The Sativa strain of cannabis produces the cannabis Sativa hemp seed. In contrast, the other cannabis strains produce the psychoactive cannabis Sativa marijuana.

The marijuana plant is very different in that it is designed to have higher levels of THC, the compound that gets you high. This is why it is illegal in many places. Marijuana is a specific strain of Cannabis Sativa. And Cannabis Sativa is the same plant species that produce hemp seeds.


These seeds are different from the seeds that marijuana comes from. They have a “weed” type of smell and taste to them. But the hemp seed does not contain THC, which is the compound in marijuana that makes people high.

The plant species cannabis Sativa is also the same plant species that produce industrial hemp. Hemp seeds come from the same plant species as marijuana but are typically genetically different and are not used for recreational or medicinal purposes.

Hemp seed is simply a very high-protein seed that can be used as a food for fish, much like other high-protein food for fish like bloodworms and daphnia. Marijuana and hemp are from the same plant species but have different uses and smells.

industrial hemp seeds

How To Feed Hemp Seed To Fish

The effect of cannabis on humans is different from cannabis on fish. The fish are not “high.” The cannabis plant has been used for thousands of years and tested. It’s a natural plant that can help all animals, including humans. Still, it’s been found that fish are particularly attracted to hemp. It’s a fact that hemp protein is the best nutritional source for fish. Learn More.

It is true that hemp seeds are part of the cannabis plant family but so are marijuana plants. However, hemp seeds do not contain any THC, the active ingredient that produces a “high” if someone smokes marijuana. So hemp seeds are entirely harmless.

They are an excellent food source for fish! And it has been proven. Hemp seed is now commonly fed to rainbow trout in parts of Europe and the U.S. It’s good to feed your fish at least a little help. They will love it!

You may have heard of Hemp Hearts; a milk substitute used to make smoothies, pancakes, bread, and other recipes. Hemp milk is suitable for people also, but it’s great for fish. It’s good for the health of fish. Still, it also helps them keep a shiny and healthy-looking color. It has been found that hemp protein is an excellent food source for rainbow trout and other fish species.

The growth rate of rainbow trout is significantly improved by feeding them hemp protein, and their natural growth rate is enhanced by 15 to 20 percent! Hemp seed is naturally rich in essential fatty acids, protein, and vitamins. The hemp seed is a natural detoxifier and can help clean the fish’s digestive system. to increase growth rate, size, and appetite. Its been proven in several scientific studies.

The fish are not “high.” Hemp is just a natural substance they feel comfortable with, and they want to eat it. The same goes for humans. Hemp is perfect for humans. It has been used for centuries and has proven suitable for people. Animals have been proven to yield healthier, more robust fish.


Hemp Seeds For Fish – A Healthy Nutritional Supplement

Fish are increasingly being fed hemp seeds to produce more healthful fish. Hemp seeds can be used as a nutritional supplement to boost the health and growth of fish. Hemp protein is not just a good food source but is also a good source of essential fatty acids and amino acids, which are critical to fish health. Hemp has been approved for human consumption but not medical use. The hemp seed is commonly fed whole to fish, and it’s accepted exceptionally well!

Hemp Protein: The Ideal Fish Food

  • Hemp protein is the second most abundant protein source in the world.
  • The hemp seed is the most balanced source of protein in the plant kingdom.
  • Hemp contains all the essential amino acids, making it the highest quality complete protein source.

If you want to use hemp for bait, use hemp seeds. Hemp seeds are one of the best for bait and are also easily prepared.

There are different brands selling hemp seeds prepared to use as bait. Still, you can also prepare it yourself and give it a bit of an extra flavor (Secret Sauce). The seeds can even boost the hemp seed’s attraction much further. The result is that the fish will bite much sooner than they would when using “normal” bait. Learn about the “Secret Sauce” Here

You can prepare the hemp seed in several ways. You can boil it (but not too long) in water as you would when cooking rice or even eat it raw! It is also possible to dry them out in the sun; this will take longer before the fish starts biting, but the hemp seeds will not head for the bottom for a long time.

Himalaya Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds is one of the most effective baits for fishing. The seeds have an excellent attraction for fish, especially those that feed on tasty things, such as ants. The hemp seed is tiny, so they are not suitable for larger fish. Although the seeds can be used as bait alone, mixing them with other plants or fresh meat is better.

The fish will be more interested in the hemp seed because of the seasonings added to the hemp seeds. You can prepare the hemp seeds yourself; here is how you do it:


First of all, you need hemp seeds, preferably fresh. Then you first have to open up the hemp seeds. This is done by breaking the hemp seed shell. Break the hemp seed carefully in a bowl. You should look for good quality hemp seeds for bait, and if you want to use the seeds of a factory to avoid the risk of buying fake bait, buy them directly at the factory.

How to prepare your hemp seed bait. Preparing hemp seeds as bait is easy and doesn’t take much time, even if you cook it yourself. What you can also do is putting 1-2 drops of your favorite Lure Oil on the hemp seeds. It will attract the fish to the bait much faster. The amount of hemp seed will vary, depending on the environment and the fish you want to catch. Still, the amount of hemp seed is the same as the bucktail you usually use but note that you should not use as much hemp seed as bucktail.


Fish seems to love hemp! Hemp is an excellent derivative that you can use for numerous items, and it turns out that if your recreation is fishing, you should give hemp seeds a try!

Buy Yours Here! HEMP

Happy Fishing! Have you used this bait? Please leave your comments, questions, or opinions below! 


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