In 2020, it was about time for the federal legalization of marijuana. Everyone you know and their grandmother smokes cannabis, applies topical CBD products, or eats the occasional gummy bear. And with COVID-19 on the loose, further states find themselves in a financial, and economic disaster. Experts say one of the best ways to avoid a recession is to legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use. States could benefit from cannabis income now more than ever.
Benefits Of Legalizing Recreational Marijuana
With federal legalization up in the air (neither Trump nor Biden seems entirely onboard), it’s up to YOU to normalize cannabis. We rounded up some key ways to spread the word about cannabis in a casual, educational manner that eliminates the tired stigma.
Small steps we can take to help legalize cannabis
We Change Our Thinking
Firstly, we should give cannabis a proper name and use its scientific one. Nicknames like “pot” and “weed” sound less than. If we want cannabis used to be taken seriously, let’s agree to call it by its grown-up name—no more “ganja” or “Mary Jane.” Imagine if you had to explain to your boss that you partake for medical reasons.
“Hey, boss, I need to smoke weed for my chronic pain” versus “Hey, boss, I have a medical cannabis card to help with my chronic pain.” Which sentence do you think they’d be more receptive to? Probably the latter.
Teach Younger Generations
It’s true what they say: kids are the future. If we want the world to improve, it starts with the younger generation’s education. Teach your kids about cannabis, including all the pros and cons, so they have a well-rounded outlook rather than a biased one.
And maybe, once your child turns 18 and expresses interest in cannabis use, you can be the first to smoke with them. Isn’t it the more responsible move to smoke with a parent than a classmate? After all, it’s the parents who know what they’re doing. With further education, we can normalize cannabis for all future generations.
Bypass The Use
Forget what you’ve seen on TV or in movies; the effects of cannabis come with beneficial results. Other than lounging on the couch all day with the munchies—not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just not the full picture.
Those unfamiliar with cannabis may think that it makes users lazy, unmotivated, and sluggish…but that’s not entirely true! Some cannabis strains have the opposite effects with high energy, creativity, and motivation. Don’t let your friends and family fall for the media stereotypes.
Vote, Vote, Vote
Do you want to live in a more cannabis-friendly America? Or Canada? Or Brazil? If so, you need to vote to normalize cannabis and relegate it! And vote consistently year after year! The man or woman you vote for into office may hold the key to future cannabis laws and regulations. They have the power to legalize cannabis from all angles.
We may have screwed ourselves out of federal legalization in the US now that we’re down to Trump and Biden for 2020. Oh, and Kanye West, which has to be a joke. Federal legalization may not happen for the next four years, and it’s all our fault. Let that sink in. Both Sanders and Warren supported federal legalization, and we cast them aside.
Federal Legalization Of Marijuana: What Are The Clues?
You may think, “Haven’t we legalized cannabis yet?” and “How do we know when we’ve achieved our goal?” In part, yes, we have done a fair amount of work over the years to normalize cannabis…but more work must be done! These are some signs that we’re making progress.
- Cannabis tax money goes to help schools
- cannabis-themed weddings have become more common
- Cities host cannabis crawls for tourists
- People meet each other on cannabis dating apps
- Multiple states have legalized cannabis this year
That last part is vital. One of the best and most meaningful ways to normalize cannabis stems from state-wide laws. Please, not more jail time for people caught with cannabis in their pockets or vehicles. First, lawmakers must decriminalize cannabis as step one and follow through with laws that keep underage citizens out of jail. The next part of this article is about how insane we are about one man who sold cannabis.
Richard DeLisi’s Story
While carrying out a 90-year jail punishment for selling pot, Richard DeLisi’s significant other passed on, as did his 23-year-old child and the two of his parents. Therefore, his little girl was in an awful crash and endured an incapacitating stroke. He never met two granddaughters – a long period of missed memories.
However, 71-year-old DeLisi left a Florida prison Tuesday morning thankful and unresentful as he embraced his sad family. In the wake of serving 31 years, he said he’s only anxious to reestablish the lost time. DeLisi was believed as the longest-serving peaceful cannabis detainee, as per The Last Detainee Project, which supported his release.
DeLisi additionally at long last met his kid and 1-year-old granddaughters surprisingly this week. I’m a blessed soul, a survivor, DeLisi stated in a telephone meeting with The Associated Press on Wednesday. While he was in the parking garage of his number one burger joint, he watched his granddaughters giggle and bounce a ball.
DeLisi was condemned to 90 years for weed dealing with 1989 at 40 even though the average sentence was 12 to 17 years. He accepts he was focused on the extensive punishment because the adjudicator erroneously thought he was coordinated wrongdoing. All things considered, he was an Italian from New York. DeLisi said he had openings; however, he never desired that life.
He favors not to harp on lost memories and time he’ll never get back. He’s not furious and accepts each open door to offer thanks and hope.
Prison changed me. I never truly knew God’s identity, and now I know. It changed how I talk with and treat people, said DeLisi, who turned into a more youthful detainee guide. “As far as I might be concerned, being there so long, I had the option to take criminals from gangs to a respectable men.
When the then-40-year-old stylish person with the thick Italian accent previously entered the jail, he was unskilled. All things considered, he showed himself how to read and write.
Presently, he needs “to make the best of all of my time” battling for the release of other detainees through his association
The structure needs to change, and I will make an honest effort to be an activist.
Chiara Juster, a previous Florida examiner who took care of the case free for The Last Detainee Venture, scrutiny, DeLisi’s extended sentence as “a sick indictment of our nation.”
The family has paid an additional $250,000 on lawyers’ costs. Over $80,000 on significant distance global gather brings in the progression of recent many years. However, it’s not cash they demand back.
Richard DeLisi was approaching the commencement of his jail sentence. Last Prisoner Project.
Rick DeLisi was 11 years old when he sat in the court and bid farewell to his dad. Presently, he’s a compelling entrepreneur with a spouse and three kids living in Amsterdam. He can hardly wait to bring his dad abroad and to their getaway home in Hawaii.
Those are the memories his dad wished to make while in prison. “Taking a dip, lay in the sun, very many things, eat at Jack’s Cheeseburgers,” the dad said.
Each second, even the little ones, is realization. For quite a long time, 43-year-old Rick desired to prepare his dad breakfast as he did Wednesday morning, stacking platters of eggs, bacon, frankfurter, and bread rolls. He burst into tears, merely watching his father eat a bagel and drink a container of water that didn’t come from the jail store.
However, it’s battling, reflecting the lost time, the waste.
For what, his son questions?
It’s like torture on your spirit for a very long time,” he said. I was somewhat robbed of for what seems like an eternity. So I like that I can watch it; however, I have an attachment that would somebody say somebody isn’t trustworthy? Is there someone that can reply to this?”
Rick DeLisi said his family self-destructed after his dad’s sentence, and his mom never recovered. A sibling overdosed and died. And his sister was in a horrendous crash. Rick fled the country at 17 to move away from the pain.
“I can’t really accept that they did this to my dad. Or accept that they did this to my family,” the sobbing child stated, describing the get-together as opening up an old, painful injury.
His voice cracks, and his eyes well up with tears as he explains that he is so appreciative to at last see his father.
“There’s an inclination of whose responsible for this debt in my mind and justice,” said Rick DeLisi. “I don’t mean obligation with money. I mean something more substantial. Time. Something you can never get back.”
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I agree with you 150% that it is time marijuana was legalized on the federal level. It is tragic how many lives have been damaged because they were thrown in prison for possessing a little cannabis. Thank God they have finally figured out that CBD oil is okay because the purest oil comes from the hemp plant, which does not get you high. CBD is such a blessing to so many people and to animals, too.
If people want to “smoke a little weed” instead of drinking alcohol, they are far safer with the smoke than with the drink. Sometimes we levy laws about the wrong thing, and it takes years for us to see the error. Glad this one is slowly being erased.
Hello, Fran
We are in total agreement! The old attitudes need to evolve to realize cannabis isn’t the devil’s work.
A fascinating look at a somewhat controversial issue. You are right. When I was growing up, I understood that those people who smoke ganja were worthless, lazy, and have no ambition. A lot has changed, and research has proven the positive value of marijuana, and there are many testimonies to support this. With all the evidence, it is really taking a long time to achieve federal legalization. In the meantime, those of us who can get our hands on the CBD products, taking them and selling them, will be the ones to vote and accelerate the process. Thanks for a good article, humor and all.
Hello, JJ
Thanks for sharing your experience on how it is an uphill battle to change established attitudes.
Oh wow. I live in Canada, and I believe that most provinces here already have legalized marijuana. I had no idea that the US had not yet done this! However, stores’ regulations to sell cannabis are stringent, and only certain strains (not sure if that is the right word) are available. Plus, they run out fast, at least that is what I have heard. An acquaintance of mine is the manager of a local cannabis store and has told me this.
I have also heard from a cannabis user that the blends or strains at the cannabis stores are weaker and nowhere near as potent as what you can buy off the “street” dealers.
Of course, like with alcohol, it is illegal here to sell cannabis to a minor, as it should be.
Not sure I agree with the whole “smoking weed with your child.” As with alcohol, I wouldn’t smoke weed nor drink with my child.
However, I do agree with using medicinal marijuana to help with medical issues—especially CBD oil. My mother uses CBD oil for her bursitis, and she says it helps with the pain!
Thanks for this article!
Hello, Anna
Thanks for sharing your views and experiences with the legalization of cannabis.
Hey, boss, I have to smoke weed because of my chronic pain “as opposed to” Hey, boss, I have a medical cannabis card to help with chronic pain. “Which sentence do you think would be more acceptable? Probably the latter. Yes, I agree that the second sentence is “justifiable,” but of course, the state will have the highest earnings as it has on medicines. Whoever agrees with the legalization of cannabis, I do not believe that he cares about his health but enjoys it more. We need to take care of the children and not let them do what I want without our permission, and it must be known in the family that the authority. I wish you all the best in further education. I honestly think that marijuana will not help us with the Covid-19 virus and that it is only an apparent help of legalization.
Dragan, it will take time to change the attitude towards marijuana.