Is Cannabis Physically Addicting

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By now, we know that nicotine and cigarettes are far more addictive and harmful than cannabis. person decidingThis brings us to the question of whether cannabis is physically addicting. Today’s data shows us that anything dealing with cannabis is a lot more complicated. However, scientific research suggests that it’s slightly more complex than that based on just your DNA and general childhood.

Just How Addictive Is Cannabis

Studies show that cannabis may be more addictive in particular individuals. Keep reading to discover how cannabis addiction research has evolved over recent years.

Who Becomes Addicted To Cannabis?

Even though it’s less likely to become addicted to pure cannabis (not mixed with nicotine), researchers say anyone can develop addictive behavior. There is no transparent society that is resistant to cannabis dependence—those most prone to cannabis addiction. Have a specific genetic profile that makes it more challenging to control their behavior and natural impulses. “Genes are one strong predictor of developing an addiction,” said Dr. Alex Stalcup, medical director of the New Leaf Treatment Center in Lafayette, California.

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Examinations of identical twins reared in different families confirm this theory. They have higher degrees of addiction co-occurring, which means that if one develops a habit, the other is at greater risk for developing one than fraternal twins raised separately.

Where Does Cannabis Addiction Come From?

To break it down even further and more manageable, cannabis addiction is often found in those who are less responsible. It’s not a perfect science but the better control you have over your urges, desires, and wants, the less likely you will develop an addiction. That goes for everything, not just cannabis.

When we take a close look at the habits for dependence, it has a ton to do with people managing their care, clarified Carl Hart, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at Columbia University.

It has a significant opportunity to do with accountability activities. It’s not impressive, yet, when you take a look at dependent individuals. You take a look at people who have occupations and families. And they have responsibilities. They’re connected to their social classes. They have an interpersonal situation; the addiction rates inside those kinds of groups significantly decrease from individuals who are not united with jobs, families, and casual relationships.

person feeling great

Is There Anything that Makes You Feel Great?

No, ask yourself what makes you feel good every morning. The more bullet marks in your mental checklist, the better. Researchers allege that the more feel-good choices you have, the less likely you will turn to one thing, like cannabis. If cannabis becomes your only happiness source, you will likely develop an addiction.

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On the flip side, say you have various hobbies that make you feel good: art, journaling, jogging, video gaming, and even smoking cannabis from time to time. You are likely to spread your evening between those hobbies rather than entirely rely on one. Most of us have several choices in life of something that makes us feel great, explained Gantt Galloway, PharmD, executive, and research director of the New Leaf Treatment Center.

Individuals with fewer options may not have as rich a band of social collaborations. Their everyday life is difficult because they have emotional issues. That is preventing them from building valuable friendships. For example, those individuals may find pills and cannabis more alluring and be in grave danger for subjection.

person depressed

Cannabis Dependence And Mental Health

Last year sure took a beating on our mental health. Everything from riots to COVID-19 to political drama wore us down bit by bit. Research supports the belief that poor mental health may trigger cannabis addiction, especially when dispensaries are primarily considered a significant business, similar to liquor stores.


Cannabis sales boomed like never before during the pandemic, with record sales across the country. It is not that this is a bad thing, necessarily, but it shows how people need a mental crutch when their lives take a negative turn. This can snowball into addiction if we’re not careful. Those with pre-existing mental health conditions are naturally more susceptible to addiction.

  1. Depression
  2. Anxiety
  3. PTSD
  4. Schizophrenia

evaluating yourselfHave You Evaluated Yourself?

Admitting your mental health has suffered over the past year is perfectly normal and healthy. Will 2021 be any better? That remains to be seen; at least we’ve begun rolling out a vaccine. Make it a common custom to check in on yourself daily or weekly. Make a list of all the things that please you. It can be the simplest things like scented candles or the smell of fresh laundry, or your morning cup of hot coffee. No moment of joy is too small.


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